
The flower of the actor 2019

19-flower  14 – 30 July 2019 - locatiuon to be defined

Workshop leaders: Mauro Pasqualini, Claudia Manini 

Contents: The workshop is addressed to all that young people that are wondering if they want to apply to a Drama School and ask for an intensive pedagogical experience. The primary dynamics of theatre communication – group work, audience and partner relationships - will be investigated.

The students admitted will pay for the participation fee: € 350,00 and the costs of the journey; the costs of the accomodation (special established rate).

The Stories I need to write

19-scrittura  14 – 23 July 2019 - location to be defined

Workshop Leaders: Donatella Diamanti, Franco Farina, Federico Guerri 

Contents: The workshop will aim at generating, developing and focusing projects of plays for the stage. The stories that you need to write, the stories that you have never thought about, those that you have never completed, will be the heart of this workshop. From the stories that I need to write to those that I need.

The students  admitted will pay for the participation fee:  € 300,00 and the costs of the journey; the costs of the accomodation (special established rate).