
Ecole du Theatre National, Strasbourg

The School of the Théâtre National de Strasbourg was created by Michel Saint- Denis in 1954 under the aegis of the Ministry of Culture and Communication. It is a state-funded school whose task is to train the future professionals of the performing arts. The school is unique in two ways: firstly, being located in the TNS it benefits from the theatre’s infrastructure and facilities; secondly, the pedagogical method is grounded on interdisciplinarity: actors, scenographers, costume designers, technicians, stage- directors and playwrights are trained together in the same class (or “group”). Auditions for new students are held twice in a three year period, which means that two groups of approximately twenty- five students are present in the School on a permanent basis. The full curriculum lasts three years, alternating and combining weekly classes with intensive periods where the students take part in workshops directed by a professional from the world of theatre or film.